Board Smart™ Launches First eLearning Platform for Public Pension Trustees and Executives

Naples, Fla., August 10, 2020 – Board Smart™ today launches the first-of-its-kind eLearning service and governance resource designed specifically for public pension trustees and executives. In development for more than a year, this new virtual tool comes as the COVID-19 pandemic has severely curtailed in-person meetings, which until now have been the primary means for trustee continuing training and education. 

Board Smart™ currently features 20-minute Expert Talks created by a renowned national faculty with in-depth knowledge public pensions – former trustees, system executives, governance and investment experts, actuaries and attorneys. Each Expert Talk includes a downloadable transcript, system self-assessments, instant nationwide feedback, peer benchmarking, case examples, further resources and references, user forums, and a national public pension policy repository. 

“Ensuring trustees have the tools, training and information they need to make sound decisions on highly complex governance and pension issues remains one of the biggest challenges facing retirement systems,” said Rick Funston, Board Smart founder and chief executive officer. 

“Board Smart™ is poised to fundamentally change and improve the learning and collaboration experience for trustees. It builds on the on-boarding offered by the systems themselves and provides every trustee with what they need to know and ask about key governance matters. This new tool will help retirement systems strengthen pension fund governance, foster more frequent trustee interactions, generate benchmarking data, save time, and reduce travel and meeting costs,” Funston explained.

Curriculum topics covered by Board Smart™ range from board operations to asset management to risk intelligence. This virtual tool is customizable for both the retirement system and individual learner, tracks completion for continuing education credits, and creates system-specific reports. Board Smart™ also curates content to leverage materials created by others, including retirement systems themselves.  

BoardSmart™ is offered on a subscription basis, with a standard subscription providing up to 20 user accounts per retirement system. More accounts are available for an additional reduced fee. 

Board Smart™ is the first virtual tool for engaging pension trustees and retirement system executives in a continuous dialogue about key governance issues. The service features 20-minute Expert Talks created by a renowned national faculty, along with peer benchmarking, user forums, a public pension policy repository, and curated content. Headquartered in Naples, Florida, the company launched in 2020. More information is available at

Media Contact:  Kelly Kenneally | 202.256.1445 |


Board Smart Accredited by Texas Pension Review Board